23 de dezembro de 2013

Merry Christmas!

É finalmente Natal! E apesar de não ser uma época que tenha tanto significado quanto tinha antigamente (não enganemos ninguém, o Natal é "super fixe" quando somos criancinhas!) é provavelmente a minha altura preferida do ano: as luzes, a familia reunida, a mesa cheia, algumas prendinhas (vá!), o frio e a lareira acesa enquanto se vêem filmes de Natal.

Ontem não tive oportunidade de publicar uma nova edição do "Driver Picks The Music" mas já que é Natal ninguém leva a mal (eu sei que isto é do Carnaval mas também serve!) e nada como aproveitar a deixa e deixar aqui uma bela música que é, muito provavelmente, a minha música preferida para esta estação.
Feliz Natal a todos!

John Lennon - Happy Christmas (War is Over)

7 de dezembro de 2013

New beginnings or The Return Journey

I need a new beginning from the old journey.

Yes, that's it. I'm "restarting" my sweet old blog after what has been 3 long years.
Just like a lot of people I was caught up with work/studying and decided to put my blog into second plan but now that i have my college graduation in the bag i feel it's time to go back to the old days.

I miss blogging, i really do. I miss having a place to share whatever i feel like sharing, some music, some new movie I saw and felt it was great, some new super incredible makeup palette i ended up getting my hands on, some amazing wrestling match i saw last week, some incredible soccer result that surprisingly took place and so on and on. Yes i really, really miss it, and now that i'm done with college and, unfortunetly, find myself with a lot of time in my hands between sending one curriculum vitae here and there in hopes to find a job, i really feel like i need to go back in sharing.

So this is a place to, once again, find just about everything. I like so many things it's hard to tell it all but i'll certainly will have time and will to share it all with you! 

I'm starting a "new beginning" with some changes but in fact this is actually me returning to the old journey of blogging and i really feel it's gonna be great and i'll fully enjoy it. Specially because I did kinda brought someone special along into this journey ;)

And just to start the "sharing" process, here's something that's been in my head 24/7!